
When did that happen?

Of course babies and toddlers grow fast. You know that from constantly having to retire clothes and shoes and bring new, bigger ones home amung other little hints. But you don't really notice the gradual change unless something focusses your attention.

There is a local store we go to occassionaly. My daughter loves the place. Partly becuase there is lots of room to run around but also because they have a giant gumball machine with a spiral ramp for the treats to roll down.1 The store was fully closed down for a couple of months, what with the plague abroad on the land, but they are open again (short hours and low occupancy limits, but doing business).

It's been four or five months since we'd been there, but we went yesterday.

Everytime we've gone before I had to help her insert the coin2 because she couldn't see the slot (positioned above here eyes and sunken behind the handle). Yesterday, she had it in there before I even finished saying "Thank you" to the person who changed a dollar for me.

She must have put on nearly three inches since our last visit.

1 Thankfully she doesn't know you're suppose to chew them, she just thinks they are balls to roll and throw. We cherish and encourage this understanding of the situation.

2 Her economic philosophy right now seems to be "Coins are good because I can put them in machines". And she seems to understand that quarters are more useful that way than other coins.

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