
Toddler disruptions; morning rituals edition

Like many (but by no means all) technology professions I am a functional caffeine addict. Not an abuser these days: this relationship is mediated by actual thinking when the questions “Should I have another coffee?” comes up.

My tipple of choice is espresso, and I only adulterate it with milk or sweetners when I want the milk or calories as well as my upper. Mostly I drink it straight.

Morning rituals

Of course I own a machine for preparing the stuff (not a high-end one by any means, but pump driven). And a burr grinder for preparing the beams.

And while I can run through the steps in about a minute, I prefer to take a bit longer about the task. Grind the beans. Fill the cylinder to just the right level—I know what level of loose grounds will tamp to the right height. Tamp it firmly and level without letting a single stray ground escape; feel the resistance firm up as the block locks in to the breach.

It’s a little moment of meditation and anticipation.

“I help”

The issue is that my toddler wants to help (and she is now explaining with the phrase that form the title of the sections as well as with a full voiced tantrum if I don’t let her). And, unlike six months ago, she isn’t content to be given a job or two (“Push the button. Good pushing!”). She know what the steps I go through are and wants to do them all.

She plays a stochatta rythmn the grinder’s go button. She scoops in half again as many grounds as I need (spilling a lot). The tamper goes in willy-nilly and scoops out some grounds (more spilliage) leaving too few, too loose, and unlevel; then the tamper lands on the counter-top with a frightful thump. She may or may not get the block into the breach mechanism straight and even if she does it may not seal well. Finally, she knows that my dimunitive cup means the 1-shot button if she stops to think about it, but in her excitement she may hit the 2-shot button instead.

It’s anything but metatative for me and the “anticipation” I feel while this goes on has bit of kinship with dread.

She loves it.

And I usually get a pretty bad shot of espresso.

Written with StackEdit.

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