
Maybe type aliases are part of the happy medium.

Tension between conflicting goals is as much a part of software as it is of life in general. Today I am thinking in particular of the tension bewteen planning ahead and generality on one hand and KISS and YAGNI on the other. Plan too little and you either end up with multiple slightly incompatible implementations of parts of your design or you metaphorically paint yourself into a corner and have to redsign at a large scale. Plan too much and you both over complicate and waste time writing features you never use. Somewhere in the middle is a sweet spot that you aim for.

I've been working on reining in my tendency to overplan for some years, and I'm doing a lot better these days. Except for one one paricular case: making thing type-generic. If I'm writing a class and ask "Hmm ... what type of underlying data should this use?" and don't find an immediately obvious answer my first reaction is to type template <typename T>.

Looked at naively this is a good trade-off: the mental cost of writing and reading a simple template that just serves to defer the choice of underlying type is barely more than that for the untempalted code, and it increases the generality of the code. What's not to like?.

But there are hidden costs: increased compile times; latent bugs,1 and the need to chose between explcit declaration of desired instances and header-only code. And of course, header-only code makes the compile time issue worse. Now I'm aware of techniques like thin templates, but that negates my claim that the template isn't any harder to write or read than the untemaplated option.

Today, while I was waiting on yet another overly long build I had a long overdue insight. In most case that template class starts something like:

template <typename T>
class Thing 
   using part_t = T;

That is I've borrowed the habit of naming types related to my classes using type aliases (seen in the standard library and elsewhere). But here is the crucial observation: I could write Thing without templates and still use the type alias with a interim choice for the type:

class Thing 
   using part_t = float; // Just pick something for now...

If I change my mind about the type fixing it is a one-line edit.2 And if I find that I need multiple choices later coverting the class to a template is a straight forward refactoring step, but I don't pay the template costs until I actually make that call.

1 Even latent compile time bugs. I've had to fix compile-time bugs in code that's been in the repositoy for months because we finally instantiated it with a type where the bug surfaced.

2 As long as I am consistent in using the alias, but I'm trying to do that for readability anyway.

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