
Getting what you want

[It is an] established fact that, despite everything society can do, girls of seven are magnetically attracted to the colour pink.
Terry Prattchet

We use plastic tableware. Not because of the toddler, though we use her as an excuse, but because the toddler's honorary grandmother has a neurodegenerative condition that cuases her to drop things from time to time.

Now, plastic stuff has to be replaced fairly oftern, and the latest round of soup/salad/full-meal-potion bowls came in several colors including light pink. The toddler just adores the pink.

Tonight I told her that she had to choose a smaller bowl to put her cookies in, but the only colors of smaller bowls avaliable were not acceptable. I would not be moved and left her complaining on the kitchen floor.

But shortly after I left I the schreeching abruptly stopped and I heard the sound of a chair being pushed across the floor. It was not long before the toddler appeard with the pink bowl with a couple fo cookies lurking suspiciously in its depths. Score one for the toddler. It was too much effort effort to get back up and tell her I cknew what she was up to.

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